The CTM series hydraulic exchange and heat exchange systems of the KIDRO series are the result of the need to simplify the installation operations of heat generators powered by solid biomass (wood, wood pellets, wood chips, hazelnut shells, almond shells, hazelnut) of pomace, etc ...).
Easy to install, compact, KIDRO devices are manufactured, tested and packaged directly by Costruzioni Tecniche Meccaniche S.r.l. and supplied, supplied or as an accessory, depending on the case, of the MICRO DT type electronic thermoregulator, factory programmed with the software dedicated to the correct and complete hydraulic and electrical management.
Hydraulic connection system and heat exchange dedicated to the combination of two heat generators that insist on the same heating system, whether they are both powered by biomass or another type of fuel, whether they are installed in a closed and / or open vessel. Available in five versions:
KIDRO 2 R Producción de agua caliente sanitaria.
Sistema de intercambio de calor y conexión hidráulica para generadores de calor de biomasa con circulador integrado.
Schema d'impianto
Produzione acqua calda sanitaria KIDRO 2 P/R
Sistema di scambio termico e collegamento idraulico per generatori di calore privi di circolatore integrato.
Schema d'impianto
Produzione acqua calda sanitaria KIDRO 2 DC
Sistema di scambio termico e collegamento idraulico per generatori di calore alimentati a biomassa prividi circolatore integrato.
Schema d'impianto